When I met my husband, I felt a love for him that surpassed anything I had ever felt. This love grew even stronger with time and continues to thrive to this day. I thought that I would never feel a love stronger than that.

But three years into our relationship, our first son was born – Alexander. And my entire perception of love changed. Fast-forward two more years to the birth of our second son – Adrian. I can honestly say that the love I feel for these two angels of mine, since the day they were born, can’t be explained in words.

Nevertheless, let me try to explain some of it. When I think of the love that is between me and my children, tears start to well up in my eyes. It is something so deep, so emotional, so beautiful. There are just no words for it.

Since their birth, I wanted to give them everything I could. I became a momma-bear that wanted to protect my children from whatever came our way.

I know I’m far from a perfect mother, but I try my best. There are some days when I am stressed out by other circumstances and when I am not showing them my best side. I sometimes get irritated when they make a mess, spill milk for the third time that day, or keep calling for “Mum” for the umpteenth time!

Then I just remind myself to count to ten, slowly, and regain my composure.

But my situation never lasts very long. Everything is forgotten when one of them comes to me, looks me in the eye, smiles, and say, “I love you, Mummy!” My heart melts every time, as does all of my anger.

As a director in our family-company, I do work a lot. But bedtime with my boys is a sacred time for me. We all crawl up in bed, read bedtime stories, exchange goodnight kisses, and reaffirm our love for each other. And when my job requires me to go away from home for a day or two, this is the thing I miss the most!

Being a mother is an amazingly fulfilling experience. The best times for me are when one of my boys comes running up to me with a drawing they made, or when they show me a new skill they have learned. Or when the kindergarten teacher informs me of their amazing skiing abilities (they make me so proud!). Or when one of them asks, “Why is the sky blue?” Or when we play outside in the snow together. Or when one of them crawls into my arms to give me a warm hug.

How I love them to bits! They are the center of my world!

Inevitably, there are also hard times, especially when I have to see them suffer. Sometimes they get sick, and something breaks inside of me, even if they only have the flu. I feel every one of their coughs as an arrow to my heart.

Sometimes I wish I could take their pain upon me, rather than have them suffer through it. I just want to do everything in my power to get them back to health again.

But I know that the only thing I can do is to be there for them, love them, take care of them, and help them see it through. This is nature’s way of building their immune system, and I know that in the end it will help them be stronger and more resistant.

As they grow older, I want to be there by their side, cheering them on and supporting them as they go along.

I know that someday, they will grow old enough to take on life by themselves. I won’t always be there to carry them. Someday in the distant future, the tables will change, and they will need to carry me in my old age.

But in the meantime, I’m there to hold their hand and see them through. And for as long as I can, I will!